Saturday, June 12, 2010

Last two set of data

The last two sets of data are in the table inserted into this entry. I just got it! But it was really hard work tried to hold up the pieces of glass while trying to measure the UV with the other hand. I had to go downstairs and into the backyard because at this time the sun doesn't reach our balcony anymore.

But all the hardwork has finally come to mean something: the trend in this last two sets are almost exactly as I thought they would be. The lowest percentage of UV through the glass (i.e. the 15mm thickness) is around the 60's. It is interesting, isn't it? Two light sources resulting in two different trends. I think it is because of the different wavelengths the two carries - the halogen lamp has got to produce longer wavelengths than the sunlight (or otherwise I would be very sunburnt considering the number of hours I spend under the lamp). I am still not too sure whether the more energy a wave carries (i.e. the shorter its wavelength) the more penetrative it is. X ray and gamma ray are shorter than UV and are more penetrative (I think), but then UVA is more penetrative than UVB (that I have gotten from my research). So there mightn't be a definite patter in the matter. Anyway, that's what I got to find out in my research this afternoon! Once I finish the discussion (mind you, it is suggested to be 3-4 pages), all I got to do is to insert pictures and diagrams (which I assume would be easier than writing the actual report).

Best luck to me!!

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