Well, as far as the data collecting goes - not very well. I find that I would need an exceedingly sunny day in order to get a UV reading that is significant enough to create useful comparisons between the reading taken in the sun and the reading taken behind the glass. Unfortunately these past couple of weeks have all been very cloudy and rainy, so my experiment was impossible to be conducted. I confess that I did not foreseen this development (Sydney seems to be always sunny when my apparatus was still in China, and I dare say that it will continue to be sunny once all the SRP reports have been handed in). So I was incredibly stressed for a couple of days (while secretly relieved that I have an legitimate reason of doing something else). BUT... I finally found a way around this problem!
You see, sometime last week I was wandering around, hoping that my UV metre might pick up some radiation from the lukewarm sunlight. I flipped on my lamp in order to record any possible findings. And guess what? The light coming out of the lamp had a UV measure of 1! (on a partially sunny day - like the day when I took my first set of data - it is about 3) That struck me immediately as an alternate source of ultraviolet radiation. Then I unscrewed the glass covering on the lamp (because from my experiment and researches I know that the glass would make a difference), and the UV read somewhere between 2 and 3. So then I was able to continue my experiment (not to mention that I had to sit in a uncomfortable position for many minutes, doing my experiment under the constant interferencing of my little sister and complaints from my parents). And I got 2 other sets of data. Yay! Now I'm finally done with the experiment (I could wait for a sunny day and record the readings just to make the data more accurate, but I won't count on that too much), I can proceed with researches etc.
The report is due like 2 weeks from now!! And I've only done like half the research for my introduction! And I have lots of other homeworks too and am really stressed. So I'll hope that I can just somehow magically finish this report and would be blessed to never see it again.
I'll post the data onto the next blog after I do all the tables (seriously, the word processing function on the blog is so shabbily poor).
Thursday, June 3, 2010
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