Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some little notes

I've finally got a sunny weekend to finish my experiment. The sunlight looks really strong (and very bright too, I wouldn't go outside without a hat had I not known the UV reading) and I went for a testing. But it turns about to be just about ranging from 1 to 3. Thus it seems rather unstable (just seems) and without a precise nude reading I cannot calculate the percentage of UV that goes through the glass. So I decide to wait a little and the sunlight should register around 3 at noon (the first day the sunlight was 3, and it was only 10 o'clock with some cloud cover). By then the experiment should be good.

I really should do this experiment during summer for the best results. The sunshine now is not so strong. But since Sydney has a low altitude, I guess summer would not help that much anyways. Ah, how I hope at this moment that I live on the top of mount Everest (the higher you go, the stronger the UV).

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